Kareoke Queen
JoinedTopics Started by Kareoke Queen
Whats your fav quote from a movie
by Es inwhat are some of your fav quotes from movies???.
i love the line in face off "oh eve i hate to see you go but i love to watch you leave".
and the one in the rock " you want me to stick this in my heart are you f#$%ing nuts".
OMG im addicted to E-Bay
by Es inheheh i only just signed up on the weekend, thought id see what the fuss was about.. well now im addicted, i sit there and check how my bids are going on a regular basis, im always looking up new things.
its sooo much fun, well for me a boring housewife anyway.. hubby calls me ebay now.
You might be a Witness, if ... (in the spirit of redneck jokes)
by free2beme infeel free to add on.. if you ever went to another religions funeral, and handed out watchtower publications and thought that was okay ... you might be a witness.
if you thought you were getting to old, and needed to get married as soon as possible and were only 20 ... you might be a witness.
if you remember preaching "the end is near" for over twenty years, and claim to be okay that it did not come yet ... you might be a witness.
OMG Spray Tan Disaster !!!!
by Sirona innow i wasn't going to share this, but i just have to!
i can't tan (had melanoma skin cancer) so i decided that for the long-awaited bbq on saturday i'd treat myself to a "spray-tan".
for those of you who don't know, its false tanning where you are sprayed with the tanning all over and it lasts about a week.. what a disaster!.
Make yourself a "mini me"
by damselfly ini found the coolest site this morning to make a cartoon version of yourself.
http://elouai.com/doll-makers/new-dollmaker.php .
give it a try!
What do the JW's need most desperately right NOW !!!
by JH in.
what do you think would encourage the jw's enormously right now?.
another war, a pandemic, a meteor striking the earth, bird flu in the us?
Would you still be a JW
by purplebunnyfoofoo in.
would you still be a jw if you had not been disfellowshipped?
Pussycats For The Poor - Bizarre Charities
by Stephanus innow that you're free from watchtower restrictions on charitable activities (other than flogging magazines door to door
How long till the brainwashing fades.......?
by Gill inwe were having dinner a couple of hours ago.
we were talking about what school the youngest will go to next and which one after that.. i found myself thinking, 'i wonder if armageddon will come before she goes to that school?
after five years, i still haven't lost my programming.. .
Apostates travels for free, A true story !
by Genesis inthe following is a true story that happened to my uncle henrie which left me speachless : .
henrie is a french canadian who is 45 and travels with his girlfriends in the usa far from their home.
but they ran out of cash, food and had nowhere to stay.